June 16 Mthatha 4IR Youth Expo- Digital Revolution
Umtata High School believes that times have changed, especially when it comes to digital space. The fourth industrial revolution is taking over.Sooner or later everything will be robotic or electronic where a human being will be talking to a robot etc. In our school, we always strive to advance ourselves in terms of getting new and current digital Apps to help our learners and teachers in their strategic and innovative teaching and learning methods.
In our 2022 Autumn School, Umtata High School and St Johns College formed a bond where we came up with a team of 50 learners from these two school and we also invited the neighbouring schools to send their learners who are interested in Technology. The idea is simple: we want to create our own “Mark Zuckerberg”, “Elon Musk”, “Bill Gates” and“Paul Allen” because all these people are the founders of the Applications that are leading the world. Now as these schools we are asking a question: WHY NOT US? We are nurturing our own digital innovators.
During the Autumn School Program or as it is called,“VacWork”, learners were given a platform to create mobiles Apps, web designs, electronics and robotics which was a good exposure for them and our children are very excited about this program which was held by CPSI and Geekulcha.
Again, this June 16th and 17th 2022, we’ve got a program called “Mthatha 4IR Youth Expo.” This is a continuation of the program we had during Autumn School holiday. But this time we are doing something different in a different style. We know about the history of South Africa during June 16 1976 Uprising which began in Soweto and spread countrywide and profoundly changed the socio-political landscape in South Africa. Events that triggered the uprising can be traced back to the Apartheid government’s policies that resulted in the introduction of the Bantu Education Act in 1953. The history says South African Students Organization (SASO) and Black Consciousness Movement (BCM) stood up against the laws of apartheid where Afrikaans was compulsory as a medium of instruction in classrooms.The students’ movement started mobilizing about 3000 to 10 000 students to be in the streets against such laws.
But this year on June 16 we are standing to unite in support of this new era of Digital space or fourth industrial revolution. Our stakeholders and partners CPSI, Geekulcha, Nemisa, ICRD Group Holdings, HERE Technologies, Sophos,Human Sciences Research Council and Open Up SA ,including Mr S Abraham and Mr Z Magaqa, Principals of Umtata High School and St Johns College respectively, are going to lead this program. Learners will be exposed to WebApplication, MobileApplication, Electronics, Robotics, Cybersecurity, Open data, Mapping Intelligence, Business with Technology (business clinic) and Digital literacy.